Bulk permission change


I am trying to write a Powershell/C# script to bulk change file permissions in my home EC folder. I am wondering where I can find documentation or an example.


Best Answer

  • appuq
    appuq Member
    #2 Answer ✓

    If you are really talking about Extended ECM or EC(Enterprise Connect) know that EC has a very old interface that isn't very maintained and so on.

    The best thing to do is to go to developer.opentext.com and look at the REST API documentation. We all do this by using POSTMan and when we see it working we ask POSTman to give us a snippet in any code.

    Traditionally when SOAP was prevalent OT used to provide samples for C# and Java.SOAP is called les-services or cws(content web services). The product is more than 30 years old so you should find several thousand examples.

    My blog also has some


  • appuq
    appuq Member
    #3 Answer ✓

    If you are really talking about Extended ECM or EC(Enterprise Connect) know that EC has a very old interface that isn't very maintained and so on.

    The best thing to do is to go to developer.opentext.com and look at the REST API documentation. We all do this by using POSTMan and when we see it working we ask POSTman to give us a snippet in any code.

    Traditionally when SOAP was prevalent OT used to provide samples for C# and Java.SOAP is called les-services or cws(content web services). The product is more than 30 years old so you should find several thousand examples.

    My blog also has some