Do we have any searching API for business workspaces child folders?

I have one use case where third party application is sending the business workspace name to content server and i want to search the business workspace using the same name.

However, I have found one API

"https://<otcs>/cs/cs/api/v2/businessworkspaces?where_name=<bw_name>" in that if I pass the query parameter <bw_name> I am getting the result.

But nowhere in result I am getting the child items of business workspaces, child items means folders that are present in business workspace.



  • Are you able to use WR/LR in your implementation?

  • No restricted to use LR/WR otherwise i coulf have fetched child using DB.

    Looking for API specific
  • appuq
    appuq Member
    edited February 4 #4

    H'mm then perhaps gets the BWS and

    /v1/nodes/{id}/nodes(note BWS comes from old ownership code so it is either positive or negative ID)

    I would also try to look at Network trace while you are on SmartUI. just drop a single nodeslist perspective onto a workspace and bring it up, you will see the SUI issue REST commands to paint the children perhaps there is one that you can repurpose( steal )…

  • Thanks @appuq i will go with first method where i will get the business workspace using this API:-

    Step 1:- Get the business workspace detail using parameter where_name after API:-

    Step 2 :- once I will get the {id} of business workspace I will like to execute another call as you mentioned above to fetch all the child folders:-

    Step 3:- Push the document in child folders fetched from step 2 using post api/v1/nodes.

    but the only challenge is can we exclude the JSON response from the step 1 call and only display {id} rather than all fields?