Declare documents created by SAP in Content Server without xECM?
We are currently facing a version conflict that prevents us from upgrading the xECM plugin on SAP GTS. Our SAP GTS version will soon be more advanced than the Content Server version can support, making it impossible to proceed with the upgrade.
In light of this, we are exploring a temporary solution for the next one to two years that would allow us to declare documents created in the Archive Center by SAP within the Content Server without relying on the xECM plugin.
We would like to consider the following options:
Option A: Can we implement this process directly from SAP?
Option B: Is it possible to achieve this by exposing a REST service in the Content Server that accepts the Archive Center ID of the document as a parameter?
We appreciate any insights or suggestions you may have regarding this matter.
Thank you for your assistance.
Best regards,
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