Mail Process Error



When i Submit Email Job It Create Success,and its JobID : 1549294 .but when i say myportal it status is ERROR

Error Code: X006
Error: UNABLE to get CONTENT-TYPE for the attachment.

 then i use EnhancedEmailOptionsType whenever it set jobsubmitresult : 0 , Message Status : 1





  • There are a few problems with the input that was provided that will prevent your job from processing successfully.

    Here is the DocumentSet information provided:

    <Document ref="BODYMessage">
    <DocData format="base64">mahendren test for wellient email</DocData>
    <Document ref="ATTACH1">
    <DocData format="base64">mahendren test for wellient email</DocData>
    <Document ref="CSVList1">
    <DocData format="base64">mahendren test for wellient email</DocData>

    Here are the issues I see with the above:

    1. The file names that are specified do not match the document types that are actually intended - they should be more descriptive, and at the very least should have a suffix that matches the document format (i.e. the PDF should be ".pdf", and the body text file should be ".txt".  This difference is the immediate cause of the X006 error, since the suffix doesn't match the actual document.
    2. The DocData commands all show a format of "base64", but none of the actual document contents that are provided are base64 encoded.  If you want to include the text directly as you have done here, then you would need to specify it as <DocData format="text">.  However, this requires care because any reserved XML characters (such as "<") would cause problems.  The alternative is to actually base64 encode the document cotnents, which is probably a better idea in general.
    3. The PDF attachment that is included here is clearly not a PDF file.  If you which to attach a PDF file, then you need to provide a real file.
    4. The "CSVList1" document included here is not referenced anywhere and is probably not needed.  Presumably you have some code left over from one of our sample programs that causes it to be included.  And of course, if you did want to use it, you would need to provide actual CSV data instead of plain text.

    Finally, I'm not sure why the job didn't work when you used EnhancedEmailOptions, but presumably some of the above issues would have affected it.  If you can provide the XML that you submitted for the EnhancedEmail case, maybe I can help.  In any event, you should be able to do what you're trying to do without EnhancedEmailOptions, if you fix the input you're providing.


  • hi ,

    When Fax job submit , jobid 1517016 . but in canceled /failed job. how to rectify that problem.






  • hi

    attachment format is not support to read . how to sent readable format.





  • hi

    I Submit Email job.It will be fine to work but when sent EMail I attach PDF (or) DOC it only accept PDF type only.and it not sent currect format in PDF.When sent DOC file it Convert Encode Format how to Attach DOC and Which Format (or) when Receive a Email the Document Attachment, if passible to change Decode, Automatically Means ok.How to How Passible to Salve  this Problem..........

    I attach my Doc with this............

    My JobID's are 210315 , 215412  ,223650......





  • hi ,

    When I Submit Fax job ,I got a JobID 1517016 , 1512591  Like then status Code 0 , i attach one sample Document with Fax ,No Fax Came my Fax Machine.....then go and check myportal about the status of that fax.that Fax Status Complete with error the graph status are (canceled/Invalild).I Couldn,t Understand Why the Fax Not Sent.

    My Sample PDF attach with this.....




  • hi ,

    When I Submit Fax job ,I got a JobID 1517016 , 1512591  Like then status Code 0 , i attach one sample Document with Fax ,No Fax Came my Fax Machine.....then go and check myportal about the status of that fax.that Fax Status Complete with error the graph status are (canceled/Invalild).I Couldn,t Able to Understand. Why Fax job canceled.

    My Sample PDF attach with this.....