User Authentication failed to access web service





We have code in place to create the Fax2Mail accounts when
there is a new hire and the process fails with Authentication failed error.
These credentials have been used in the code from few years. Could you please
advise if the procedure to access the API’s have been changed? Below is the error message for your reference.



    <StatusMessage>User authentication not accepted</StatusMessage>




        <ErrorMessage>XOA-2909 [User authentication not accepted] : login not permitted: reason code = 1000  msg-not found</ErrorMessage>








    Are you trying to authenticate using the email address associated with your account, such as, or a user id, such as t2/XXXXXXXXXX?


    If you are using an email address, you should be using aliasType. If you are using a user id, you should not be setting the aliasType.


    If you need further assistance, please respond to this thread.


    Thank you.

  • The code we have in place right now is using M2F Should it be using the userid without domain name?

  • That is correct. Try the userid instead of the email address without setting the aliasType.

    Again, if you need further assistance with this issue, please respond to this thread.