UserCreate - 7509 User authentication not accepted


Hi Team,

I am trying to make the UserCreate webservice call and getting the following.
Status Code: 7509
Submit Id: null
processingID: 0ACD321E-1449-180625113829176
Error: 7509
User authentication not accepted

I am trying to hit the test endpoint -
Using Username - T2/Penske

Please help.


  • Team, Can you please help with the above problem. Is the above username not valid to access the UserCreate webservice.

  • Apologies for the delay. The user t2/penske was created. We are looking into the status code 7509.

    Tammy Gargiulo
    Software Engineer - Associate | EasyLink Development


  • Hi Tammy,

    Thank for creating the user, can you please email me the password too. Using the one that I had does not work and getting the same "User Authentication Not Accepted" error.

  • A response to the last thread was addressed via email for privacy.

    Tammy Gargiulo
    Software Engineer - Associate | EasyLink Development
