Asp Core Web App, 404 when deploying with Azure Devops, 200 when publishing via Visual studio. Why?


Hi Guys,

I am new to App Services, Recently i am facing a crazy problem. I have a web app that when I publish to an Azure App Service via Visual Studio it works great but when the app is built and published via Azure DevOps (all tasks report success), I get a 404 from the home page. I'm just doing a plain publish of the release build. Nothing funky as far as I can tell.

I initially thought it was my WebHost Builder UseUrls call. So I changed it:
.UseUrls(new[] { "http://*:44399" }) => .UseUrls(new[] { "http://localhost:44399","http://*:80" })
but that didnt work.

I enabled diagnostic logs on the app service but that didnt show me anything.

Using the console on the app service, I can browse to the wwwroot directory and see that the files are being updated by the azure devops publish. Also viewed the environmental variables and there is no ASPNETCORE_* vars set.

At a loss of what else to try.


                    public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args)
                        return WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
                            .UseUrls(new[] { "http://localhost:44399","http://*:80" })


                    public static void Main(string[] args)

Thanks & Regards


  • Good morning.

    I’m not certain you intended to post your query under the EasyLink Messaging API forum. Please confirm which OpenText product are you attempting to access.

    If you provide this information, I can try to point you in the right direction.

    Thank you.

    Tammy Gargiulo
    Software Engineer - Associate | EasyLink Development


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