CSUI Widget



I get 2 Errors developing an Applications using CSUI 10.5 and Content Server 10.5.

  1. error: "The REST API Url could not be found in the mappings registry"
  2. I am not able to Load Moduls like (ERR: Loading modules [model/forms] failed: Script error for: model/forms, view/form, view/dialog, ... )

Thanks for Help

Mohamed Ltaief



  • 1) Could you tell me the REST API call that you're trying to use here?

    2) What causes this error to occur? Could you provide more details?

  • The CS REST API URL error:

    If you use CS 10.5 Update 2014.06, apply the patch for the CS REST API. The 2014.06 has known API compatibility problems and works with no version of CS UI Widgets.

    If you upgraded the CS UI Widgets to the new 10.5.0, you need to upgrade the CS REST API too. At least to the patch I mentioned above. The older CS UI Widgets 10.0.0 work with any CS 10.5 update, including the original release.

    The CS UI Widgets module loading error:

    Did you load the modules explicitly like the following code?

    csui.require(['view/form', ...], function (FormView, ...) {

    Module names started with model/, view/ etc. in the CS UI Widgets 10.0.0. The CS UI Widgets versions 10.0.1 and 10.5.0 started prefixing all module identifiers by the csui/ string. You would have to modify the above code to this to get it :

    csui.require(['csui/view/form', ...], function (FormView, ...) {

    Another possibility without modifying your code would be re-mapping the module IDs using RequireJS paths - csui.resuire.config({ paths: {...} }), but it would be easier to update our application to the new widgets.

    Also, be aware that the low-level modules are not guaranteed to remain stable across CS UI Widgets versions. We guarantee only the widgets as the public stable interface:

    csui.require(function () {
      var browser = new csui.widget.FolderBrowserWidget({

    If you loaded the modules explicitly, in which scenario did you needed that?

  • Hi,

    That´s it, Thanks very much it works fine.

    Regards, Mohamed Ltaief