Copy folder using REST API


how to copy folder/document using REST api?


  • The basic operation means POSTing to /nodes what (original_id) and where (parent_id), for example:

    POST /otcs/cs/api/v1/nodes
    body={"name":"new name","parent_id":299037,"original_id":985109}

    Including the catts & atts of the original node, for example:

    POST /otcs/cs/api/v1/nodes
    body={"name":"new name","parent_id":299037,"original_id":985109,

    Setting cats & atts of the target folder, for example:

    POST /otcs/cs/api/v1/nodes
    body={"name":"new name","parent_id":299037,"original_id":985109,
            "1165353":{"1165353_2":"test value","1165353_3":null,"1165353_6":false}}}}}

    Merging cats & atts of the original node and of the target folder, for example:

    POST /otcs/cs/api/v1/nodes
    body={"name":"new name","parent_id":299037,"original_id":985109,
            "1165353":{"1165353_2":"test value","1165353_3":null,"1165353_6":false}}}}}

    The best "learning tool" about how to perform the CS REST API calls are the CS UI Widgets. If you install them and knock up a testing page with the FolderBrowserWidget, you can do browse/add/copy/move/reserve/unreserve/delete and watch the REST API calls "done by the master" in the browser debugging tools ;-)

  • thank you Ferdinand. it worked well

  • Hi Ferdinand

    DO you have any Java sample code to copy the folders in OTMM?
