We are facing issue in sending fax with custom Cover Sheet.

we have created the cover sheet in https://test2.myportal.opentext.com/XddsPortal  and able to fetch using MMCoverSheetRetrieve API.
MMCoverSheetRetrieve Request: 
 <MMCoverSheetRetrieveRequest xmlns="http://ws.easylink.com/MMCoverSheetRetrieve/2011/01">
                                            <MMCoverSheetId ownership="user" objKind="mmcover">COVERSHEETG6116112HEAL</MMCoverSheetId>

 but while sending Fax, we are getting Error.
Fax Request:
<JobSubmitRequest xmlns="http://ws.easylink.com/JobSubmit/2011/01"> 
  <CoversheetFrom>(573) 751-2737</CoversheetFrom>
  <CoversheetAttn>Subject: tetstt 
 Comments : tetsyxys</CoversheetAttn>
<Destinations><Fax><Phone>(444) 564-5645</Phone><From>(573) 751-2737</From><To>Phys, Ip</To></Fax></Destinations> 
<DocData format="base64">dGV0c3l4eXM=</DocData>
</Part><Part><Document><DocType>PDF</DocType><Filename>Study Order Entry-Test, Flex 06-01-1978 ASV 06-17-2020 06.40.39 am.pdf</Filename><DocData format="base64">'just deleted the base64 formated file'</DocData></Document><Treatment>attachment</Treatment></Part></Contents> 

 we are getting this Error message: ERROR 
    [0] => XOA-2010 [faxREACH: coversheet not found] : : customer no: 592200: cover type: old styleCSG6116112HEALnot found.

please guide us if we are missing something.


  •  <CoversheetName>CSG6116112HEAL</CoversheetName> is wrongly passed with value of submit id and due to that CSG6116112HEALnot found error is displayed
    Please  use "COVERSHEETG6116112HEAL"  as <CoversheetName> which you have used in MMCoversheetRetrieve

    Prabhakaran R

  • Please configure your profile  for cover_type to mm in webadmin. Since cover_type is not configured in webadmin for your profile it is going and looking for old style coversheet and it is throwing the above error

    Prabhakaran R