Default click Overview page


In recent versions in Smart View you can configure the system to open document Overview page when document Name is clicked in the folder view. 

We have external app where we embed widget (either with FolderBrowser or NodesTableView). 
Through widget when clicking document Name it downloads the documents. In full Smart View it open Overview page. 
What are we missing in the widget loading code? 




  • This is the current Widget code

        ], function success($, FolderBrowser, csuioptions, GlobalMessage ) {
    var folderBrowser = new FolderBrowser({
                connection: csuioptions.connection,
                start: {id: 2000}, 
                breadcrumb: true,
                facetPanel: true,
                pageSize: 50,
                clearFilterOnChange: false 
            });{placeholder: '#content'});
        }, function failure(err) { alert(err.message); });

  • This is where you can Enable Document Overview Page when users clicks on a document Name -  ?func=admin.documentoverview
  • Hi

    I still haven't found a solution for this :( 
  • Have a look at FolderBrowserWidget2 (csui/integration/folderbrowser2/folderbrowser2.widget), if you want the click actions on documents be handled like on the Smart View page (/app). When compared to FolderBrowserWidget, FolderBrowserWidget2 recognises only connection/connector/context and start options and includes only show and destroy methods. FolderBrowserWidget2 supports features implemented as perspective navigations like Document Overview.

    Document implemented as perspective navigation. It destroyes the current perspective and creates and displays the perspective assigned to the target node. For documents it is a perspective showing the DocumentOverview widget.

    FolderBrowserWidget was initially introduced to browse folders and download/upload document content. It does not provide features that were implemented later as perspective (Smart UI page) navigations. Depending on the feature, it will either fall back to an action that can be performed (acceptable, document, e.g.), or do nothing (bad, follow-up, e.g.).

    FolderBrowseWidget2 internally uses PerspectiveContext and shows PerspectivePanelView like the Smart View page. That is why perspective navigations work there. While the content of FolderBrowserWidget remains for the widget's life, the content of FolderBrowseWidget2 may be destroyed and re-rendered depending on the perspective that is will display. While perspectives shown on the Smart View page or folders and other containers can be configured, FolderBrowserWidget2 shows only one common perspective for all containers - the NodesTable widget.

  • Thanks for your help!

    I see that FolderBrowserWidget2 is only available in 20.4. Unfortunately we have just now updated to 20.3. Not sure when we could do 20.4..
    Is there some workaround for us?
  • Since we have 20.3. I'm trying to get Overview page to show in a bit different/weird way
    var pageContext = new BrowsingContext();
    	// Nodes table View (aka Folder View) 
        var contentRegion = new Marionette.Region({el: '#content'}),
        currentNode = pageContext.getModel(NodeModelFactory),
        nextNode = pageContext.getModel(NextNodeModelFactory),
        nodesTableView = new NodesTableView({
            context: pageContext
        currentNode.set('id', 282828);
        nextNode.on('change:id', function () {
            if (nextNode.get('container') !== false) 
                currentNode.clear({silent: true});
                currentNode.set('id', nextNode.get('id'), {silent: true});
                pageContext.fetch().fail(function (error) {
                	// Show the error message
        // Overview page
        var overviewRegion = new Marionette.Region({el: "#overviewdiv"}),
        docNode  = nextNode; 
        var documentOverviewView = new DocumentOverviewView({
            context: pageContext,
            model: docNode
    However it fails in "new DocumentOverview" with error "Cannot read property 'getModel' of undefined" in document.overview.view

    Maybe you have some suggestions for some workaround with our version.
  • Karen Weir
    Thanks @Uldis, I'll reach out to colleagues on this inquiry as well.

    @Ferdinand Prantl, here is a link to the follow-on post in our Developer forum:

  • Hi @Ferdinand Prantl

    I haven't given up on this :) Maybe you have some guidance regarding getting Overview page to work in 20.3 through folder view widget. Using FolderBrowseWidget2 is currently not an option.

