Any other xPression Developers out there?
@Kokikai, while we wait for the community members to raise their hands, I'll look through our support forum to see if we can get interest here
Karen0 -
@Kokikai I am not too active in here, although I keep meaning to! I have been an active xPression developer for some time. I would not rely too heavily on my CompuSet skills as they have gotten rusty.
Will try and see if I can pin the xPression user groups to add to my troubleshooting toolkit.
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Thanks, @sroczicka! I still flip through my canvas bound, three ring binder, original DSC CompuSet reference manuals from 1992, from time to time. It's like travelling back in time to the days of mainframes and pocket protectors! However, yeah, most of the time we are trying to figure out how to do cool new things in xPublish. It's good to know there is still someone else out there still coding away in xPression with me! ☺️
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Hi there Xpres! xPression is WAY funner. 😆 Thankfully there IS a lot of documentation out in the Knowledge Base, there on xAdmin and xDashboard. However, you may have a different experience, but it is not a "how to" but more a "what is". There are also lots, and lots and lots of supporting Properties files that do stuff in the background. You will have questions. Those of us who are daily users are here to help - PLUS, the customer support guys are great. 👍️ Do you have any questions, currently?
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Well, if you are able to log in to the My Support Portal, and click on Knowledge Base, then Product Documentation, you can search on products, in this case, Document Sciences. Once you are there, there is a vast sea of information, and SOME of it is relevant to what you are looking for. You can limit your search to the version of xPression that you have installed. It should bring up a LOT of documentation. Typically, I download the PDFs locally that I reference, and that includes about 20 of them. I also happen to use CompuSet at this location, so I use that documentation, too. You may not need it.
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