I am using a F2M user account (username: qinlei.fan@ricoh-usa.com) in accessing the endpoint: https://messaging.easylink.com/soap/sync inside the code that I've written for the API to authenticate user, send fax, etc. and it works fine. However, I have created a user inside https://myportal.opentext.com/XddsPortal and I wanted to use this user's credentials that I have created to access the above endpoint but I'm getting a "authentication not accepted" error.
Below is the code snippet of how I assigned the new user credentials in the code:
XDDSAuthType xauth = new XDDSAuthType();
UIDType uid = new UIDType();
uid.set_value("harvey.mercado@fsoft.com.vn"); //instead of "qinlei.fan@ricoh-usa.com"
Can I confirm with you if this is possible? I mean, can I use any user that I have created in the web admin to access the API endpoint of say, jobsubmit or autnenticate user?
If not, how can I add users in my F2M registered account and allow access to the endpoint?
Please let me know.