Smart View Date Format Mismatch from Classic UI
Content Server 16.2.7
We are seeing a mismatch in the date format for Smart UI even though the following setting is being enabled.
For example below,
Classic UI Format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM
Is there a solution for already ?
Did you configure the date format in Classic UI for multiple languages? Does the format in Smart UI match the form for the English language?
There was a bug in Smart UI that had read only the configuration for the en-US locale from Classic UI. It did not use the row for the user's language from the data format table. It was fixed in CS 16.2.8 (LPAD-79947).
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We do have 2 language packs installed.
Does this mean this will get resolved if we make both language date format same ?
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Yes, it would be a workaround, whatever stupid it sounds.
The description of the bug says that only the format for the _en_US locale had been used. But in your case you see Smart UI showing the French DD/MM/YYYY. Maybe the problem was that the default locale - the first row in the table - and not the English was used.
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In my experience, the Smart UI will ignore what is defined in the administration pages, but will use the web browser language settings instead to format dates.
In the case of Chrome, the first entry of the settings / Languages section is used
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By default, Smart UI formats dates and times according to the user locale selected in the browser as the most preferred one. If you want to see the formats configured in Classic UI, check the checkbox "Use Classic UI date/time format" at ?func=admin.smartui. Not all possibilities are supported in Smart UI, but the most useful ones are recognised.
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Can you give me the link for CS 16.2.8 (LPAD-79947)
also if any KB article attached to it ?
Thank you.
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I am afraid that links to issues like LPAD-79947 are not accessible outside of OT. The feature is just about the order of DD, MM, YYYY and the separator as configured for Classic UI. It is described in the product documentation (help). I do not know if there is a KB article about it.
Only the English date format configured for the Classic was usable in Smart UI at the beginning. The Classic UI format according to the user-selected UI language could be used since CS 20.2 (LPAD-79947).
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