Enhanced Email Options - From Address and ReplyTo not working

edited June 16, 2021 in Core Messaging #1

I have submitted an email job with an enhanced email option and I setup the From address and Reply to as follows,

EnhancedEmailOptions = new EnhancedEmailOptionsType()


               Subject = new EncodableStringType()


                 Value = "Test Email"


               FromDisplayName = "Some Value",

               FromAddress = "Noreply@website.com",

               ReplyTo = "Noreply@website.com"


When I submit, I got Job ID but no email received. I do not find any jobs related to this job id in my portal.

The Job Id I got "2920166". when we removed FromAddress and ReplyTo it works fine.


  • Please let us know the endpoint url for which job is submitted.

    Prabhakaran R

  • The Job is resulted in error in core side. Will be sending mail to respective team and get back to you.

    flusme-errctl> item 10389

    10389 (2920166-0)    J326  Illegal keyword in job header

        Problem with From Address Override

        The header or recipient list contains the %me822:from_address

        keyword, which instructs the system to use the indicated

        address as the From: address of the email message instead

        of the system-generated from address.

        This error is generated if the indicated from address is

        syntactically invalid, or if the user has not been authorized

        to use this feature.

        Check the syntax of the given address. If it is invalid, the

        job should be resubmitted with a valid address. Otherwise,

        contact the postmastering group to determine if this user

        should be authorized to use this feature, and then the

        configuration can be updated by SA.

        XQN:    n/a

        Segment:  me822

        Keyword:  from_address


    Available actions are: retry

    Prabhakaran R

  • The FromAddress is a reserved feature and is not allowed by default.  Removing the FromAddress will allow the job to process.  To discuss the from address options please contact your solution consultant.