Call Back URL Failed In Web Hook Method


  • mparvathi_2021
    mparvathi_2021 Moderator, E Community Moderator

    Can you provide user ID or email address used to authenticate _OR_ a job ID (job number)?


    Job Id: flusme-2949918

  • Send Fax seems to be working fine in the T2API domain.

    Are you getting any specific error message ?

    What is the sample JSON being used ?

  • I am also having the same issue with send mail not calling the callback URL. Job id is flusme-2951306 and here's the excerpt from the json. The endpoint uses basic auth



















  • username and password are not accepted as keywords under the report_destinations element.

    The values can be passed through the URL instead.




  • Thanks Akash. I tried this and I am still not receiving a callback. I confirmed using Postman that the web service accepts the username and password in this format as well. Any ideas?

  • The fields username and password will get ignored, as its not part of the schema.

    Please pass on the job ID which was received.

  • The job id was flusme-2935607. Thanks

  • @Akash Venugopal We did not receive any specific error message and here is the sample JSON we have used,

    Email Request


    "options": {

    "billing_code": "Billing code",

    "customer_reference": "Customer Reference",

    "email_options": {

    "from_display_name": "Company",

    "subject": "Document"



    "destinations": [


    "email": ""



    "body": [


    "type": "HTML",

    "data": "UGxlZpbmQgdGhlIGF0dGFjaGVkIGNsYWltIGRvY3VtZW50Lg=="



    "attachments": [


    "name": "b1c70d14-6cde-4061-959f-e0bfbfc2f24b.PDF",

    "type": "PDF",

    "data": "base64 string"



    "reports": {

    "delivery_report": {

    "type": "summary",

    "report_destinations": [


    "url": ""






    Fax Request


     "options": {


      "billing_code": "Billing Code",

      "customer_reference": "Customer Reference"   


     "reports": {

      "type": "summary",

      "report_destinations": [







     "destinations": [



       "fax": "111111111"




     "documents": [


       "name": "temp.txt",

       "type": "text",

       "charset": "UTF-8",

       "data": "VGhpcyBpcyBzYW1wbdGV4dCBkYXRh"


