How do I add individual attributes to the Metadata Widget - perspective manager v22.1
Perspective manager says that it allows me to select the data for the metadata widget from either a category or as a group of attributes. If I take the Attribute option, I am prompted to search for a category. I select the category, but I see no way to select the attributes that want in the widget.
The help for the Metadata Widget says:
Category or attribute – Category or single attributes. To add an attribute, select the category and then select the attributes that you want to display.
I cannot find any way to select the attributes that I wish to display.
Hi @George Griffin , I moved your post from our 'General Questions' area to the 'Smart View' category.
Perspective manager says that it allows me to select the data for the metadata widget from either a category or as a group of attributes. If I take the Attribute option, I am prompted to search for a category. I select the category, but I see no way to select the attributes that want in the widget.
The help for the Metadata Widget says:
Category or attribute – Category or single attributes. To add an attribute, select the category and then select the attributes that you want to display.
I cannot find any way to select the attributes that I wish to display.
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When you select "Attribute" in the drop-down it should bring up the same targetBrowse picker, and when you click on a category, it should take you to a custom picker that shows each attribute value with a series of checkboxes, rather than selecting the category and closing.
The request handler that your targetBrowse window should have in the URL, should be ?func=perspectives.PManAttributePicker&CatID=<yourcategory>&mode=metadata
Are you using legacy ActiveView Perspectives, or are you using the new Perspective node type? If using the former, try converting and using the latter.
If already using the latter, and it doesn't come up, it might be worth logging a support ticket.
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Thanks @Nizar_Ghazal, that is helpful. I get the targetBrowse window for the category but not for the attributes. I can enter the url parameters you show me and I do get a list of attributes with checkboxes. Clicking the Done button has no effect. This was a brand new perspective created moments ago. I will create a support ticket. Thanks.
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It turns out that this issue was caused by a popup blocker on my browser. I was using chrome. But I was also using a local url that was not a proper fully-qualified domain. Even though my browser settings allowed popups for my www domain, I couldn't set the exception to enable popups when using the short local version of the url. If I were to Iogin to otcs with the short local domain name, even if I change it by hand to the full domain version prior to invoking the function, the pop-up window remained blocked.
The solution was simply to edit my browser favorites for otcs so that it uses the full url with the proper domain name and now all of otcs is respected as a popup-blocker exception.
The reason that the popup blocker issue didn't enter my mind (it was suggested by support) was that most dialogs pop up just fine despite the popup blocker being engaged, while others are subject to popup-blocker suppression. There is no message in otcs suggesting that I am blocking a popup... just nothing pops up.
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