User step configured with smart view opens in classic view

I run into this strange issue with smart view in a CS21.3 server and cannot figure out the reason.

When I open an user step assignment, it always opens in classic view event it's set to smart view in workflow map. The start step works fine in smart view though.



  • We are having exactly the same issue. We've got a test environment that has been upgraded to Content Server 22.1 and are experiencing the same. I see this is a question from Feb. Did you ever get this resolved?

  • We did not resolve it, but discovered that when you open this assignment in Smart View, it will display as Smart View.

  • I have found the same. Wouldn't be that big an issue, but we have recently put in a lot of work to make all our workflow steps SmartView. And the link from the emails open in Classic by default as well. Unfortunately we are not quite ready to turn off Classic View altogether although we are encouraging more and more people to start using SmartView.