Intelligent Capture 20.2 - htm works - mht not

edited November 28, 2022 in General Questions #1

Hey friends,

when we import Email Bodys via htm the Standard Import works. When we do with .mht it doesnt work. Please find bellow the Log and the Perfil. I already did that post on another openText forum, since the new layout is here i hope that im here correctly. Dont know where the another post appears now. But well, any ideas, why mht doesnt work and htm works?

Thanks a lot

PS: Sorry for the wrong Category but it seems there is not intelligent Capture to find.... Dont know why that things always has to change...

15:11:17.283 Tid=13,EmailImportProfile:MAIL$1015-DId6e5772f0fde4f13b6ba3f170d3e13e8-5172, message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  at Emc.InputAccel.StandardImport.MailProcessor.ProcessMessageBody(MailMessageContainer message, Int32 number, List`1 rawList)
  at Emc.InputAccel.StandardImport.MailProcessor.ProcessMessage(MailMessageContainer message, Int32 number, List`1 rawList)
  at Emc.InputAccel.StandardImport.MailProcessor.ProcessMessage(MailMessageContainer message, String id, Int32 count, Int64 elapse, List`1 skipList)
Environment stacktrace....
  at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo)
  at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
  at Emc.InputAccel.Core.TraceAdapter.TraceImpl(Boolean publish, Int32 connectionId, Int64 elapse, String extraInfo, Exception cause, String message, Object[] messageParams)
  at Emc.InputAccel.Core.TraceAdapter.Emc.InputAccel.Core.ITrace.TracePublish(Exception cause, String message, Object[] messageParams)
  at Emc.InputAccel.StandardImport.MailProcessor.ProcessMessage(MailMessageContainer message, String id, Int32 count, Int64 elapse, List`1 skipList)
  at Emc.InputAccel.StandardImport.MailImportProfileWatch.FetchAndProcessMessages(List`1 idReverseList)
  at Emc.InputAccel.StandardImport.ImportProfileWatch.ExecuteCycle()
  at Emc.InputAccel.StandardImport.ImportProfileWatch.ExecuteProfileProc()
  at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
  at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
  at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
  at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
15:11:17.326 Tid=13,Deleted Message. ID: 152
