Multiple folder widgets different behaviour
I have a scenario where I'd like to load 2 folder widgets in the same page. Each widget shows different content. And for each widget there should be different configs. Is that possible?
As you can see in the code I tried defining global “configs” and then I tried to change “configs” just before 2nd widget call. Does not work.
What other options are there?
I'm pasting as picture since code block does not work for me, also code.txt inclduded
Hello @Uldis seems that Ferdinad is gone but we have fortunatelly his replace and the man is called @Jan Velas my colleague :) we do some similar stuff. Displaying one widget with different context. We can have a look till the end of the week :)
different config would not be possible I would say if you does not extend widget and change config variable.
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Thanks. Well the goal for us is to optimize the code we need to show 2 widgets in a single page.
As it is now we load 2 widgets in different iframes, so there are 2 independed parallel calls.
We'd like to have some common code to load the libraries, configs etc and then call the widget show 2 times basically with different configs
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