Web-hook Body format - receiving XML instead of JSON


I specified web-hook for SendFax API, via "reports" field:

"reports": {

"type": "detail"

"report_destinations": [

{ "url": "https://apidev.oa.com/fax/v1 … "}



And it is triggered normally, I receive this web-hook upon report is done. But, my expectation was that I'll extract from body JSON (same as GetFaxStatus API returns), but instead I receive XML, which describes HTML being sent on account's email.

We did not configure anything for web-hooks in the OpenText portal. Just using callback URL parameter in the "reports" field of SendFax request.

And this is what REST API documentation says:

Am I doing smth wrong? I want to receive JSON body in the web-hook which matches the GetFaxStatus() API.

We appreciate your support,


Best Answer

  • Akash Venugopal

    There are some user account level profile changes to be done for the Reports to be sent in JSON format using webhook.

    Please reach out to support for these changes to be made in the profile.


  • Akash Venugopal

    There are some user account level profile changes to be done for the Reports to be sent in JSON format using webhook.

    Please reach out to support for these changes to be made in the profile.