Streamserve 5.6.1 errors Service controller
I have a customer who has recently (6 months) started getting the following errors appearing in control center .
Service controller - Received invoke request targeting service MAIL
Also getting this error for service PCL,Archive, TXT .
We're getting 100's if not thousands daily and I think it's slowing the whole process. Any idea what could be causing it?
This is the Documentum forum - I think you need to post your question in the relevant forum.
Pedro Maia
Senior Consultant
OpenText0 -
Hi @RobWilliams68 , I have moved your post
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"Service controller - Received invoke request targeting service MAIL" is just log information and not an error.
I suspect that someone increased the Log Level on your service and that is why you are now receiving a more verbose logging.
So if you are on level 4 today, you may want to consider changing that to level 3, or 2.
The lower the level - the less the verbosity.
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