filewrite not working
I am attempting to create a file. The directory is present and has sufficient permissions (even set "Everyone" to "Full Permissions"). I have my log level set to "4", but this is the only message I am receiving. The message is:
1024 111715 (1155) 0 **MSG** send_label_preview - Not able to write .bat file $cmdfile \\\EXSTDev_Input$\IFG_LA_IN\config\exec_label001_DspBase64.bat, errtext: No such file or directory
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Why not try to test if the directory exists first with the Exist("\\a.b\c$\d\e") command?
From the help menu:
If the path exists, the result is True (1). If the path does not exist, the result is False (0).
Then you can troubleshoot if the issue is with the FileWrite() command (or whatever you are using to create the file).
Template Engine is a great tool to use to create text files.
Good luck!
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I appreciate your answer. I did find my issue and unfortunately forgot to update this feed.
As it turned out I neglected to use "FileOpen" prior to the "FileWrite". Yes, rookie mistake. Thank you again for the response.
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