If you are opting to install OpenText Intelligent Viewing (OTIV) on Windows, you will need to install pre-requisites. Normally these would be deployed with a package manager like Chocolatey. However, in some cases, when it is not possible to use a package manager to install the pre-reqs; you will need to install the pre-reqs manually.
Note: Although, OpenText Directory Services (OTDS) is required, the installation of OTDS is not included in this guide as it has its own installation documentation here
In short, this guide will go through the following pre-reqs:
- OpenJDK11
- Erlang and RabbitMQ
- Node.JS (LTS)
- Postgres 11
Let’s begin with OpenJDK!
Download OpenJDK11:
Extract the ZIP, on an easy to access location, like C:\OpenJDK11
Create JAVA_HOME Path
- On run command or Start Menu search bar, type “sysdm.cpl” (without the quotes) and then hit enter
- That should open the System Properties window
- Go to the “Advanced tab”
- Click on “Environment Variables”
- Under the “System variables” section click on “New…”
- The variable name must be “JAVA_HOME” (without the quotes)
- The path must be the place where OpenJDK11 was extracted.
- Click “Ok” to add the new System Variable.
See the sample image for guidance.
Add Java bin to the system path
- On run command or Start Menu search bar, type “sysdm.cpl” (without the quotes) and then hit enter
- That should open the System Properties window
- Go to the “Advanced tab”
- Click on “Environment Variables”
- Under the “System variables” section look for and select the variable named “Path” (without the quotes)
- Click on “Edit…”
- On the “Edit environment variable“ window click on “New”
- Type the path to where OpenJDK11 was extracted and append \bin at the end of it
- Click “Ok”
Note: You can also type %JAVA_HOME%\bin
See the sample image for guidance.
Erlang and RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ has its own pre-req, called Erlang which needs to be installed before deploying RabbitMQ
Download Erlang:
Note: You need Erlang 24.0 or newer
Install Erlang
To run the installer, simply double click on the downloaded exe file, and follow the prompts
Make note of the Installation path, you will need it in the next step
If you change any of the defaults make sure to keep a note with the changes
- On run command or Start Menu search bar, type “sysdm.cpl” (without the quotes) and then hit enter
- That should open the System Properties window
- Go to the “Advanced tab”
- Click on “Environment Variables”
- Under the “System variables” section click on “New…”
- The variable name must be “ERLANG_HOME” (without the quotes)
- The path must be the place where Erlang got installed, by default it’s “C:\Program Files\erl-24.1”
- Click “Ok” to add the new System Variable.
See the sample image for guidance.
Download RabbitMQ
Download RabbitMQ Server (Any version above 3.8)
For this post we used version 3.9.7
Deploy RabbitMQ
- Extract the ZIP, on an easy to access location, like C:\RabbitMQ
- Open a command prompt with admin rights
- Navigate to the new location of RabbitMQ on the command prompt
- Access the sbin folder
- Run the following commands
rabbitmq-service install
rabbitmq-service start
rabbitmq-service stop
Configure RabbitMQ
- Using the explorer navigate to “%HOMEPATH%” (without the quotes)
- Copy the file ".erlang.cookie"
- Navigate to C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\
- Paste the file .erlang.cookie there (if there is already a file with the same name rename it first)
Start RabbitMQ from Services.msc
NodeJS has frequent updates, therefore, you should use the LTS release.
Download NodeJS (LTS 64bit)
Install NodeJS (LTS 64-bit)
To run the installer, simply double click on the downloaded exe file, and follow the prompts
Make note of the Installation path, you will need it in the next step
If you change any of the defaults make sure to keep a note with the changes
Add NodeJS to the path
- On run command or Start Menu search bar, type “sysdm.cpl” (without the quotes) and then hit enter
- That should open the System Properties window
- Go to the “Advanced tab”
- Click on “Environment Variables”
- Under the “System variables” section look for and select the variable named “Path” (without the quotes)
- Click on “Edit…”
- On the “Edit environment variable” window check if there is already an entry for NodeJS, if not Click on “New”
- Type the path to where NodeJS was installed
- Click “Ok”
See the sample image for guidance.
Postgres 11
Download Postgres 11
Run the Installer
To run the installer, simply double click on the downloaded exe file, and follow the prompts
Note1: You do not need the Stack Builder.
Note2: During the Install you will be prompted to create a password, please make sure to remember the password used.
If you change any of the defaults make sure to keep a note with the changes
The installer will also install any missing runtimes required for Postgres, like Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable
Configure Postgres to be used with OTIV
After Postgres is installed Open PgAdmin4
The first time pgAdmin is opened it will take some time
Login with the password entered during the install
Create a Database
- Right click on Databases
- Select Create > Database…
- Type in the name of the database
- Click on the create
See the sample images for guidance.
Add pgCrypto Extension
- Right click on the newly created database
- Click on Create > Extension
- Click on Name and use the search box to look for “crypto” (Without the quotes)
- Select the pgcrypto from the list
- Click on Save
See the sample images for guidance.
This concludes all the steps needed to manually install the pre-reqs for OpenText Intelligent Viewing.
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