Category audit

Could you please help me to know which webreport tag is used to get information about category audit.



  • Hi All, I had found the tag information, even with the same AUDITINFO tag we can use to check the category audit information too.


  • can you explain more about what you are trying to do ?

  • There is a tab "Category Audit" for documents. I want to get that audit information using webreport tag.

    I though for category audit there will be a different tag but with same audit tag which we use to get information from "Audit tag" , it worked.

    Thank you !

  • The Category Audit properties tab is a feature of Electronic Signatures (extensions). It pulls its data from the audit tables, just as the standard “Query Audit Log” feature in the admin pages does. If i were you I would debug the Oscript layer and create a custom tag for it :)