Livesite PLC error
Hi Experts,
After upgrading from 16.6.4 to 22.4.2 on Linux RHEL 7.9 my PLC workflow stopped working.
It gets stuck at "Error while executing task: Production Deployment"
No logs are getting update under <od-home>/Livesite.
od.log and <hostname>_odbase.log are not updating too.
Only log files getting updated in server.log and iwjboss.log, where I can see errors like:
ERROR [stderr] (default I/O-217) org.xnio.channels.ReadTimeoutException: UT000199: Read timed out after 1709284596243 milliseconds.
ERROR [stderr] (default I/O-217) at io.undertow.core@2.2.17.Final//io.undertow.conduits.ReadTimeoutStreamSourceConduit.checkExpired(
[stderr] (default I/O-217) at org.jboss.xnio@3.8.7.Final//org.xnio.Connection.close(
Has anyone seem this issue before.
Best Answer
I have new set of errors now. Has anyone seen this error before.
impl.OpenDeployRestService ( - Could not retrieve service version: I/O error on GET request for "http://<hostname>:9051/iwod/service/v1/version": Connect to <hostname>9051 [<hostname>/<ip-address>] failed: Connection timed out (Connection timed out); nested exception is org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [<hostname>/<ip-address>] failed: Connection timed out (Connection timed out)
I have already raised this vendor and they are currently looking into it. I am raising it here to find out if anyone faced the similar issue.
Thanks in Advance!!
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It is trying to connect to OD web services on port 9051. Default port is 11111, so it may be running on the wrong port.
Check to see if that is configured. Look in :
Should have this:
<webServices enabled="yes">
<httpTransport port="9051" host="MYSERVER"/>
</webServices>0 -
Thanks Andy!
That is the first thing I've checked and odbase.xml has correct configuration.
Everything was running fine till I have upgraded my TS from to 22.4.2.
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Thanks Andy!
You were right, I just changed the hostname to localhost and it started working.
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