Validation Client for SAP Solutions with no connections with SAP GUI 8.0


Dear all,

I would like to inquire if anyone here has any knowledge about the connections in Validation Client for SAP Solutions (for versions 22.2, 22.4, and 23.2) in conjunction with SAP GUI 8.0.

After upgrading SAP GUI to the latest version, the connections in Validation Client have simply disappeared.

Thank you for any assistance or insights you can provide.

Best regards,


  • Hi Diogo,

    I am having the same issue, can you tell me how you fixed your issue?


    Sean Dwyer

  • DiogoDAS
    Hi Sean,

    As far as I know, OpenText has not provided a solution yet. However, I've found out that the issue occurs only with the SAP GUI 8.0 (x64) installation. It works well on the SAP GUI 8.0 (x86) version.

    Kind regards,
    Diogo Duarte