I am immersed in the process of upgrading from InfoArchive20.4 to InfoArchive22.2.
I have carried out all the previous steps described in the manual correctly and satisfactorily. The last step I did was run the prepare-migration and sdx-migration scripts, which finished successfully.
Now, I have started the services xdb-server (host dcinf012) and iaserver and iawebapp (both on host dcinf011).
I have the problem when running the script ./upgrade from the path <IA_UPGRADE_TO_ROOT>/ first-time-setup/applications on the iaserver host (dcinf011), I get the following error:
"ERROR o.s.s.o.p.endpoint.TokenEndpoint - Handling error: IllegalStateException, Cannot convert access token to JSON"
Could someone help me?
If you need more information, I will be happy to provide it.
Thanks and regards.