To display OpenText Screen at SAP C4C screen

Hi Expert,

I need to display OpenText smart UI in SAP C4C screen. I am using below format to access the OpenText UI in C4C screen.

Here the issue is, I am getting only the property for this business workspace in C4C screen, not getting the folder/document structure view. Please find the below screen shot.

We have few documents, folders inside this business workspace. But we are not able to see this. Could you please suggest is this method is correct or shall we go ahead with any modification to the above approach or any new Idea for this usecase?




  • Here is how I would have debugged I would go to CS (classic or Smart) and find the object identified by BO KEY 5110000130The clue for you is SAP or Leading applications do not know the DataID in CS they only know the key.

    When a Workspace is created the XECM table stores the DataID (the Dtree.DataID) and Key (if you do not know the table it is very easy to find but it is not proper to put the name here as I would expect you to write to OT to sign an NDA). Don’t worry someone smart here will divulge the table in a minute or so😂

    So if a Key does not exist the code thinks the user needs to create the workspace

    So if you see the create button the call thinks the Workspace object does not exist….

    It is better to create a workspace by hand and view that and create a URL like your format with the right parameters and you will see the workspace object(perspective)

    What you use here is the simple integration. If you look in the integration manual you will see a proper JavaScript example that also will result in the same if the workspace object does not exist(CS internal code will think if workspace does not exist show the creation form)