Email Events/Reports Discrepancy between webhooks and polling

Hi Team,
According to the API documentation
"When the callback URL is set via either of these methods, OpenText messaging service will post Email status as application/json to this end point. The schema is the same as in the response from "Get Email status" method except that the values of "job_state" parameter will not include "complete" even if all deliveries are complete."
However, when we compare the webhook data to the data returned by /mra/v1/outbound/emails/status, we receive different payloads.
Webhook data:
"job_id": "test2-1601284132",
"entry_time": "2024-07-10T01:08:37.000Z",
"job_state": [ "Delivered", "Reporting", "Posted" ],
"deliveries": [
"ref_base64": "MzMzMw==",
"email": "",
"delivery_attempts": [
"state": "Posted",
"first_attempt": "2024-07-10T01:14:16.000Z"
"events": {
"email_delivery_events": {
"dsn": {
"event_time": "2024-07-10T01:14:00.000Z",
"value": "5.0.0"
/mra/v1/outbound/emails/status data:
"job_id": "test2-1601284132",
"entry_time": "2024-07-10T01:08:37.000Z",
"job_state": [
"html_open_tracking": {
"total_open_count": 0,
"distinct_open_count": 0
"deliveries": [
"ref_base64": "MzMzMw==",
"email": "",
"delivery_attempts": [
"state": "Sent",
"first_attempt": "2024-07-10T01:14:16.000Z"
"events": {
"email_delivery_events": [
"dsn": {
"event_time": "2024-07-10T01:14:00.000Z",
"value": "5.0.0",
"message": "\"%20smtp;%20552%201%20Requested%20mail%20action%20aborted%2C%20mailbox%20not%20found\""
Is there any way we can make the webhook data match the data returned by /mra/v1/outbound/emails/status? At the very least, can the deliveries[0].events.email_delivery_events.dsn.message be included in the webhook data?
Also, the deliveries[0].delivery_attempts[0].state of the two do not match? Is this expected?
Hi All,
For further context, we are getting the webhook data by callingPOST
The polling data is obtained by callingGET
We noticed that the webhook data is missing some valuable information that is contained in the polling data.
The swagger is found here:
Geovanni Gonzalez0
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