How to update attibute of process Content server Rest Api
How to update attibute of process Content server Rest Api
In my blog I have deconstructed a step-by-step workflow, My debugging was playing with smartui and Fiddler observing the payload
The link called
WF REST API EXPERIMENTS.docx explains this
- A WF Object called 2047628 is in my system I initiated it is akin to you clicking on the link.
- When you POST you should get in return a success draft_process in my screencap it is 2124973.
- This is the temporary map with which you can set attributes attachments etc which are part of the WF Definition. Note the map is still in a temporary state and has not been initiated.
- In my workflow I had one attribute, in my example, it is called WorkflowForm_3 which is called with a 3 because I deleted 1 & 2 when creating my map.
As I said if this cannot be understood ask OT to create a simple sample explaining everything once more.
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