Workflow Execute step - How to?

I want to use the Execute step in the workflow map designer to make it run a custom .exe on the file system in specific path. It's quite unclear how to achieve that. I tried to look out for info in the help section and the official workflow documentation without any luck.

Does anyone have experience in achieving that goal?

Best Answer

  • appuq
    appuq Member
    edited December 11, 2024 #2 Answer ✓

    Execute comes as part of the XML Workflow Extensions module, which I think now is stanadard.It has an elaborate guide.If you go to Workflow Discussions of yester year and search on that term you should find an example .Essentially what you will do is create a batch file and call it from there .There is no expectation of return values etc it is all very old school.

    From old memory if you have a file sitting in your content server computer at C drive and you call it doit.bat

    the Execute will be C:\doit.bat

    commandLine %parameter_name1 %parameter_name2 (where parameter_name is something you define when adding parameters in the step definition).

    If you have GCI workflow tools that may have better avenues.

    Before Webreport Extensions and Answer modules came onto the scene this was popular

    This has the example I put above

    PS:Also since this is a collaborative forum please indicate if forum team members replies help or not. This helps people like us who try to support OT personnel.If you write to OT support most likely they will want you to rely on a paid professional service.It is easy there is a like button,answer accepted etc .


  • appuq
    appuq Member
    edited December 11, 2024 #3 Answer ✓

    Execute comes as part of the XML Workflow Extensions module, which I think now is stanadard.It has an elaborate guide.If you go to Workflow Discussions of yester year and search on that term you should find an example .Essentially what you will do is create a batch file and call it from there .There is no expectation of return values etc it is all very old school.

    From old memory if you have a file sitting in your content server computer at C drive and you call it doit.bat

    the Execute will be C:\doit.bat

    commandLine %parameter_name1 %parameter_name2 (where parameter_name is something you define when adding parameters in the step definition).

    If you have GCI workflow tools that may have better avenues.

    Before Webreport Extensions and Answer modules came onto the scene this was popular

    This has the example I put above

    PS:Also since this is a collaborative forum please indicate if forum team members replies help or not. This helps people like us who try to support OT personnel.If you write to OT support most likely they will want you to rely on a paid professional service.It is easy there is a like button,answer accepted etc .

  • @MarkedOne - I can't recall, but you might also need to add some config to the opentext.ini to permit this scenario.

    Just a note - this approach is forbidden in OT Cloud deployments…..just for awareness

  • So I did some research. It seems to be that some read write permissions need to be applied before running the .exe in the Admin section :

    After permitting this I managed to run the .exe via Workflow.