Site Support
If you experience any issues while using the Developer site, please post here for the OpenText team to review and advise.
Community Search issues or feedback
Please post here with any questions, issues, or ideas for improving the Developer Community search functionality described in this post:
Developer REST API webpage failed to open & show error
Hello Team, From last few months, We are trying several times to open REST API webpage but everytime it shows error. Its a troublesome for us as a developer of OpenText community. Need your immediate attention for the same.
API documentation pages unavailable
Getting this error screen attempting to access API documentation
- is not working
It is not able to display/search the APIs
Developer Site down
I cannot seem to access anything on Is anyone else having the same issue?
API's page not accessible
Hi, Whenever I try the Opentext API's page it shows the below messages. Further it automatically & immediately logs me out. Please advise. Thanks, Nita B
API's page not accessible
Hi, Whenever I try the Opentext API's page it shows the below messages. Further it automatically & immediately logs me out. Please advise. Thanks, Nita B
Core Transformation & Viewing Services
When trying to access the "Core Transformation & Viewing" Services from the "Products & Services" page (, I keep getting the error message - "Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again later."
Error creating trail site for hands-on-labs opentext world
Error reference 7e3a61bf-ef25-46df-ba7d-25a73665f3e8
Website Error
the site is not working properly, the resources and development sector is giving me blank page and cannot possible to download anything
I cannot access to any API documentation
Hello when I try to open any API documentation (e.g. page i see the attached error page. Alessandro