Changing Jobs for JobList retrieval

I am using the JobList and the JobDocumentTransmit to poll for inbound faxes. There could be thousands throughout the day, and the polling is being done by a Windows service using a timer to execute the polling. My issue is that once I have pulled down a fax successfully I want to be able to do something to that transmission so that it is no longer pulled in my JobList call. I know I could use the JobDateTimeWindow filter but my concern is what happens if for an emergency the Windows service has to go down for a certain matter of time; then the date/time filter might not grab everything it needs when restarted and I don't want to grab everything and have to filter through it. The inbound faxes have a status of Complete when I poll them. Any recommendations of how to handle this situation? Thanks.


  • There is no way on the system side avoid retrieving the job again, so you will need to make provisions for tracking them on your side.

    Using the date/time window is probably the best approach.  I understand your concern about the Windows application being down, so I would recommend that you have that application save its "last retrieved time" somewhere so it can be retrieved when the application restarts.

    For inbound fax applications like yours, we usually recommend that our customers consider using our web services push service so that the faxes are automatically sent to a web services receiver as they are received on our system.  This would obviate the need for your application to poll for faxes.

    We generally implement long retry algorithms for these pushes on the switch side, so we have a better chance of getting the faxes to you even if there is a problem with your receiver process.  And if the push actually fails, we can then send an error notification via email so you are aware that there are faxes that you need to come and pick up.

    If you are interested in exploring web services push, I suggest taking a look at this post, which gives a good overview of the documentation we have available.  You can also work through your sales team to get some help in putting together an implementation.

    Please let us know if we can provide further assistance. 

  • Unfortunately the push method which would be preferred does not meet the security standards required for the web services the company I work for exposes. Therefore we have no choice but to poll for the faxes. The way I see it is I have two different options. I have to make sure I never miss a fax (so make the time window larger than needed), but I don't want to pull more faxes down than I need (will slow processing for no purpose); so would it be wiser to do a JobList and get all available job numbers and check those to see which I haven't processed then pull them individually if I don't have them (or is there a way to send a list of JobIDs to a service and get only them so I get them all in one request as opposed to individual requests)??? Thanks.