Error status from JobSubmit



We have an application that submits faxes via the JobSubmit request using a production Fax2Mail account, from time to time, the job submission would fail with no MRN returned and have below status description:

      <ns:StatusMessage>XOA-2000 [system error] : jm_create() failed, error 204</ns:StatusMessage>


      <ns:StatusMessage>XOA-2000 [system error] : jm_create() failed, error 501</ns:StatusMessage>

If we resubmit the fax with the same content and options again, it would work successfully. So I am suspecting this is a server side issue? Can someone provide the details of what those 2 error codes is related to? Thank you!


  • Both of these errors indicate a possible packet loss during transmission. Wait a few minutes and retry the Submit. However, the 204 can also indicate a duplicate Submit. If you are using the MessageID, which creates the job LocalID, you should check that the new job is not a duplicate.

  • Thanks

  • I have one more question, how to query the job delivery status or whether the job exists based on MessageID?

  • When you get the result for the JobSubmit, it will contain the XDN and MRN for the job. You use those to do a JobDeliveryStatusRequest(JDSR), which will give you all of the information about the job.

    You should wait after the JobSubmit about 5 to 10 minutes for the delivery to happen anf then do the JDSR. If you get an error in the result, such as no answer or busy, you should wait the amount of time in your retry, default is 15 minutes. Wait an addtional 5 to 10 minutes for the delivery and do the JDSR again.

  • The issue i am facing is that there are situations where the JobSubmit respond shows error and there is no MRN returned. Before I resubmit the job, I want to check if the previous JobSubmit request has actually been submitted or not to avoid duplications. Since there is no MRN returned in the first request, I can only check using the MessageID parameter, but I couldn't find the MessageID filter in JobDeliveryStatus or ItemLevelQuery request. Thanks.

  • If you get an error and no MRN, there was no Job created. There is nothing else to look for. You need to look at the error and figure out what was wrong with the JobSubmit that made it fail.