Content Server 16 REST API


Trying to upload a document in a folder created in the upload directory specified in Content Server Admin using REST API but got error message that the file does not exist.
Upload directory: C:\temp
Document Location: C:\temp\test\abc.txt

Is the REST API able to read the document in the example location?

enter image description here



  • in place of file path you need to browse the file. change option available next to file property from text to file you will get browse button.

  • MangeshThorat
    edited October 27, 2021 #3

    After adding OTCSTICKET (auth token) in header section add form-data as show in below image and you will be able to create document, folder or any csobject in OTCS using REST API.

    P.S. Here i have used POSTMAN to perform REST operations.