API endpoint to create cross-reference (XReference)



Is it possible to create cross-reference (XReference) with API?

I've looked into the API specifications, but was unable to find it..

Thank you, Vlad



  • Appu Nair
    edited July 23, 2021 #2

    Many OT Content Suite add on modules bring XREF's so RM is a module that adds it, XECM Engineering has its XREF's and so on

    Here is an API for RM https://developer.opentext.com/apis/a1cf71e9-0828-482f-a497-b2a02e1d80bb/Records%20Management%2021.1#tag/Xrefs

    so depending on what kind of XREF is what you are after you may have to chase it down in a different way :)

    If an app has a lot of usages like RM then an integral product called WR will have a convenient tag or people create the tag. It is easier than trying to do that in SOAP or REST .SOAP or CWS is the other older API and I think its RM API had the XREFs as well.

  • This particulars XREF should connect files inside a folder in CS. To be more precise - email message file (.msg) and attachment file(s) referencing to that particular mail file (.pdf, .docx, etc,...)

    So, I believe API for RM is not suitable here..

    Thanks Appu!

  • the Screencap shows RECMAN in the URL which is what I meant, your system is having cross-references from RM, even though the RM product introduces it that is good enough for any kind of system usage. For e.g, this is used when you have a physical Item( like a Box, Rock, DNA Sample, Oil Sample) and since you cannot scan them electronically a PO Object is created and an electronic record is crosslinked. The purpose of XREFS is for you to model.CAD product has its XREF which means sometimes the main record is a drawing and you may want to link its layered drawings for something else.A few XREFS I have come across :)

  • You also can use simple References which is OOB also if a email object had an attachment then CS integrally knows who is the email body and who is the attachment ( Both compound email and normall email you put through EC)
  • Thank you Appu,

    Great to hear that RM could be used!

    I am not familiar what "OOB" means.. Out Of Band? If yes, that is some independent / separate way..?

  • @Vladimir Stanisic OOB means Out Of the Box / without customisation.