Call to OpenText xECM Business Workspace through SAP Fiori App Adaptation fails
Hello Team,
With the help of a Fiori Developer, we were able to create a Fiori App Adaptation (for F2547 SAP Fiori App Verify General Journal Entries for Requester) and, for some reason, I don't see the xECM Business Workspace screen when I use my computer, locally (I am in São Paulo, SP, Brazil and the servers are in Europe).
However, when I am in the Browser for a Virtual Machine (smartweb), the solution works well.
We tried to inspect the case, but the only thing we got in the Console was:
/OTCS/cs.exe/widgets?crossOrigin=false:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR
Is there anything I need to install in my computer to make its behaviour similar to the one in the smartweb virtual machine?
Thanks a lot and Best Regards,
Daniel Carvalho
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