Is there a fixed result limit via REST


Hi all!

We habe updated our servers to CS 20.4 and today i experienced a funny situation. As always we are dooing some REST calls to filter the results according to our required parameters. In the past we had set the limit to 300 and now it seems like the range_max is about 100

Here is the call. You can filter until the value of 100 which means 99 works, 111 not

GET: https://your.server/api/v2/nodes/18166308/nodes/?fields=properties{create_date,id,name}&limit=99&sort=desc_create_date

But when i try to use more results than 100 . In this example 111 it seems like that the call only allows 100.

GET : https://your.server/api/v2/nodes/18166308/nodes/?fields=properties{create_date,id,name}&limit=111&sort=desc_create_date

As you can see the response from the body is:

    "collection": {
        "paging": {
            "limit": 100,
            "links": {
                "data": {
                    "next": {
                        "body": "",
                        "content_type": "",
                        "href": "/api/v2/nodes/18166308/nodes/?fields=amcsproxy&fields=properties{create_date,id,name}&limit=100&sort=desc_create_date&page=2",
                        "method": "GET",
                        "name": "Next"
            "page": 1,
            "page_total": 450,
            "range_max": 100,
            "range_min": 1,
            "total_count": 44918


Any ideas how i can solve this ?

Cheers Christian
