Smart View and Business workspace's breadcrumbs
Does anyone know what happened to the breadcrumbs within the business workspaces on the Smart View? From some versions it is no longer present in the Smart View and the "back" button of the browser on some occasions (such as after page refreshes) does not work.
Dear Pamela,
with version 21.4, the breadcrumb was replaced by the back link. The back link appears above the workspace header and brings you back to the place you visited before. A back to landing page is not shown because you have the home (little house), too.
I appreciate your feedback that you miss the breadcrumb. It helps us to understand user needs. OpenText will improve the navigation concept in the upcoming versions so that it fulfills your use case, too.
If you cannot wait, I suggest to raise a support ticket to get the previous behavior back within a hotfix.
Kind regards,
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Dear Anja,
Thanks for your feedback. Yes, having the back link is useful but only if it works correctly.
Combined with tree navigation within the business workspace it is fine, but the problem is when you refresh (F5) the page this back link disappears and you can't go back to the previous location.
From personal experience and from what I have been able to gather from users, the breadcrumb is very missing and was very essential for good navigation.
I will certainly require a hotfix to put this functionality back.
Thank you,
Kind regards
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Hello @Pamela Ferrari,
If you're interested I figured out an unofficial way to bring breadcrumbs back.
Not sure how's the official hotfix coming along, but if you don't mind going about it the unofficial way you may find it helpful.
I spend a lot of time in the Smart UI SDK lately, so I went and looked up what's behind it - and decided to post about it on the forums for others who may have the same issue.
Our company has the same opinion and really misses the breadcrumbs. It's great OpenText wants to improve this in the future.
If there's ever an official hotfix, it would be great to have it publicly available! Some customers who may not want to upgrade may find the official patch better than my unofficial ways. 😊
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Dear Jan,
thank you for your feedback and your investigation "How to bring back breadcrumbs in business workspaces"!
I have good news for you: OpenText started to develop an official patch for 21.4 and upwards to control whether the breadcrumb or the navigate back link is shown to users working with Smart View WebUI in a browser.
Kind regards, Anja
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I will be following this thread closely as we are on CS21.4 and we will definitely also like to install the mentioned patch.
Although I do understand use cases where you don't want people following a link to a business workspace to use the breadcrumb to see other content and so you prefer a back button, I think in most of our implementation it is a handicap not to have that possibility.
So I like that it is foreseen to be controllable.
Kind regards
Pieter Jan
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Hi, I've been searching for the control. We are using CS24.2, does anyone know where the control for
business workspace backVSbreadcrumb view is located?
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Hi, the control for the back link is located under Administration > Features > Deprecated and Experimental Features.
Here you find in section Experimental Features the configuration 'Navigate Back in Business Workspaces'.0
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