How to bring back breadcrumbs in Business Workspaces (CS 22.1)


Hi everyone 👋

You may have noticed that the breadcrumb bar is no longer available when viewing a Business Workspace page in Smart UI.

(Breadcrumb bar)

It has been replaced with a new "BackToPreviousLocation" command button, that is shown as part of the BW header widget.

(Breadcrumb bar replacement in BW perspective)

We are not happy about it, as we can't see

The Smart UI code responsible for hiding the breadcrumbs is inside of the "conws" module, and can be found in the Smart UI SDK under path "conws/controls/breadcrumbspanel/breadcrumbspanel.extension"

The way to disable this functionality is by going into conws-extensions.json on your CS server(s) and removing the following section:

❗️(I recommend backing up the file.)


  "csui/controls/breadcrumbspanel/breadcrumbspanel.view": {
    "extensions": {
      "conws": [

Then restarting the "Content Server (OTCS)" service(s).

Breadcrumbs bar in BW view

Smart UI bastler, 🛠️


P.S. This change will be lost if you upgrade your Content Server

P.P.S. Another way to bring back the breadcrumbs bar is by removing the "Header" widget from the BW perspective, if you don't want to edit anything on your CS and are okay with not having the header widget in the page.


  • Just finishing my sentence I have left unfinished by accident (I don't have permissions to edit the post).

    We are not happy about it, as we can't see...

    the full path and the new button is sometimes wonky when navigating using URL changes in the same window.