xECM Could not perform delete on ContentServer
Hi experts,
With xECM from SAP when deleting a document an error appears:
Error HTTP:500 XECM:6101: The XECM service returned an error: Code=XECM: Could not perform delete on ContentServer.
Document is deleted from SAP but not from Content Server. In Content Server i can delete it manually
Does anyone know the reason for this error?
Thanks in advance
I would confirm which user is doing the delete in both systems and check their actual permissions on the file to ensure it is what you expect.
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Hi Greg, thanks for your reply.
It's weird because the user is the owner of the document he have uploaded and he can't delete it.
We have also tested that user with administrator permissions.
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Being owner if that owner doesn’t have delete won’t aid in deleting. In many CS installs owner usually is a S, SC user in fact that is preferred
You have to see if the Delete is again
Perhaps a delete on a archive server in which case it’s api is supposed to delete and send the ack
If not when you do a delete OT will try to delete but may get hicupped by legal holds , RM and smaller considerations like version locked , version reserved , generations exist , cross references exist usually CS will try to tell what caused something not to fulfill a delete0
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