does somebody know how to access the Thumbnails with WebReports (blob:https://dms-dev.sbb.ch/0a369f4c-b57b-4650-9560-925009cd8f1f)
in Smartui the Thumbnails are displayes as in the Attachement - can we reuse them?
- cann we access them with WebReport (in the future?)
- how are thoes keys (0a369f4c-b57b-4650-9560-925009cd8f1f) generateds, looks like dependend on request/session, ...
- where are the sombnails stored
Background: in the past we used addLib and generated Thumbnails as normal Renditions and used them. By upgrading to Blazon, it looks like this is not possible anymore (issue: by generating Thumbnails, Blazon chnages the name (not anymor [ID]_ [VersionID].ext) and so contentServer does not re-import them --- and it looks like there is no solution for thag ;-(