Recently, we upgrade from Content Server 21.1 to Content Server 22.1. After this upgrade, smartUI components are not working. Getting tons of error messages:
To simply the actual issue, we prepared sample test page with help of smartUI documentation.
Step-1: Prepare a testing html file and save it with name: ‘Testpage.htm’
<!DOCTYPE html> <html>
<head> <script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
body { font-size: 11px; }
csui.onReady( function() {
var connector = new csui.util.Connector( {
connection: {
url: "",
supportPath: "/img"
} } ),
browser = new csui.widget.FolderBrowserWidget( {
connector: connector,
placeholder: "#folderBrowser"
} );;
</script> </head>
<body> <div id="folderBrowser"></div> </body>
2. Place this file in local webserver where this content server exists (to avoid cross domain issues).
3. Try to access ‘Testpage.htm’ from browser, getting below error:
Our initial impression is libraries are not properly loading.
Please share your thoughts with us to resolve this issue. Your help is much appreciated.