Unable to retrieve the Favorites of Selected member


Is there any way to retrieve the favorites of selected member. I didnt find any way to get it.

Seems there is only an option to get favorites of authenticated user.


Please Help!



  • You can always do the same thing the API does as Find the favorites of a user by a LR. Then you can design a WR passing the Userid in question .As a third step you can put the WR as a REST End point

    If you dont like the extra calls then ask OT to enter a feature request.

    You can also just before asking the GetFavorites impersonate the user so the psuedo code will be

    Login to Livelink as a user with SA

    Impersonate user "Tom"

    Get his favorites using the token for "Tom"

    Repeat using "****" and "Harry" remembering to change token to admin token and impersonate before each call.

    Coming from Livelink I would settle for the LR/WR combination since that is easier.

  • @Appu Nair. Thank you for the quick reply.

    It is by sure we can get the favorites of user by impersonating.

    However I am more interested on the first statement but am a bit unclear on it. Will you please provide the sample link to make request for getting favorite of specific user using his/her id.

    Thank you

  • Are you asking for the syntax and setup of a LR / WR . Do you have access to a livelink or Content Server as they call it . If so find the link called Reports and you will find a sub link called Live Reports those can be used to execute livelink database logic . For people having permissions LR is an available subtype . Think of WR as a wrapper to LR and one of the best things is a WR can become a Rest end point in a jiffy almost very easy code so when a official Rest endpoint is missing we use that mechanism .