Document Declaration for SAP DMS integrated scenario
We are currently having a scenario in SAP where the documents are stored in IBM Documentum server using DMS (Document Area: Document Management System in OAC0) mapping/configurations. Now we are planning to migrate the documents to OpenText Archive server and integrate this to content server via document declaration concept as we are in need to maintain some metadata against the documents( no need for business workspace concept for our requirement).
In SPRO under "Assignment of Declaration ID to object type and document type" we are only seeing the business objects and document types that are configured as part of Archive Link scenario (OAD5, OAC2, OAC3) and we are able to make document declaration work as expected.
But we are unable to configure the same for the business object and their document types which are mapped via DMS scenario (table - DMS_PH_CD1, OACT tcode) using category due to which we are unable to continue further on this
Could someone help is getting this DMS integrated scenario achieved via Document Declaration scenario?
Thanks in advance..!!
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