XM FAX Cloud - Outgoing Call with Anonymous Caller ID
George Aziz
E Member
Case with HLS/US: We see some outgoing calls getting the error 800.
When we associate the user profile with the External number (Outbound Fax Number - outbound only), we still see the error repeating.. If we associate the user profile with a ported number, we see the outgoing call is sent successfully.
In the enterprise cloud portal, under Numbers; some numbers are Labeled "External," and others are "ported" or new requested numbers.
I want to confirm the following:
To send a SIP invite with a Caller ID (Not Anonymous),
Which type of number can we use, External or Ported numbers?
This forum is for XOA /MRA queries. Please let me know the endpoint URL being used here.
Prabhakaran R
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