Posting discussions
Best Answer
@Mchoeti , I have checked the configuration settings and it seems in order.
To see the "New Post" button, you first must choose a category. If you choose "CE Products" category in the list on the right, then you will see many of OpenText's products to select - Extended ECM being one.
If you have done that, perhaps it is the placement of the "New Post" button disappearing.
At higher resolutions, the "New Post" button is shown at the upper right:
At lower resolutions, the "New Post" action is a blue circle in the lower right:
If I haven't addressed your issue, please let me know and I will contact you offline.
@Mchoeti , I have checked the configuration settings and it seems in order.
To see the "New Post" button, you first must choose a category. If you choose "CE Products" category in the list on the right, then you will see many of OpenText's products to select - Extended ECM being one.
If you have done that, perhaps it is the placement of the "New Post" button disappearing.
At higher resolutions, the "New Post" button is shown at the upper right:
At lower resolutions, the "New Post" action is a blue circle in the lower right:
If I haven't addressed your issue, please let me know and I will contact you offline.
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