Interested in the Integration of healthcare and patient information for doctors challenge

Patients are collecting data on their eating habits, fitness regimes, and if they have smart medical devices (such as Continuous Glucose Monitoring devices), this data can be shared with their healthcare providers. Enabling patients to share this information with their doctors could facilitate fewer visits, customized treatment plans, and reduce the need for testing in some cases, while giving doctors a better picture to diagnose and customize treatment based on lifestyle.
Develop a connector or solution that allows patients to seamlessly share their health information with healthcare providers securely.
Also check out Google Resources for additional API's that may assist in this challenge.
Chris Wynder
Chris is a Director of Product Marketing working with our Developer product team and community. He has a wealth of information management knowledge, particularly in highly regulated industries. He shares his deep belief in analysis and taxonomy as the basis of good information governance in his blogs.
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