RightFax 20.2 Update 4891 COM API question
We have a customer using an integration with RightFax 20.2 using the COM API. The customer recently moved from update 4151 to update 4891 and users are being identified as groups now. The integration is behaving as expected on update 4151 and the only change was moving to 4891.
Were there any intended changes in COM API behavior as part of this update? Also, where can I find release notes for RightFax updates? I have not been able to locate them at any obvious place in the various OpenText support sites. Are they gated behind some sort of access that the individual who maintains are RightFax license(s) would have to access?
Thank you!
Best Answer
Please contact support team. They will be able to guide you.
Prabhakaran R
This forum is only for CLOUD FAX and NOTIFICATIONS.
However we have informed the respective team and please find their response below.
1 – What do they mean by “identified as groups”?
2 – what are the client and server versions?
We are getting users with 20.2 4891.
Prabhakaran R
OpenText0 -
Hello Prabhakaran,
Thank you for the information and I apologize it has taken me so long to respond.
What I'm seeing is that Parent ID's are coming back blank for Permission Objects. I don't have access to the customer environment to definitively see that the API is raw returning, but our integration populates a business object from what returns from the API. From what I've seen from screenshots that have been shared, these users are assigned to groups.
For context, the customer has this in a Test environment that is copied from their production environment. Are there any known situations that would cause ParentID to return blank? Such as a permission or anything of that nature?
I'm working on confirming the versions for both client and server, but the RightFax Server should be 20.2 4891.
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Please find below response from team.
“Parent ID's are coming back blank for Permission Objects” does not make any sense. If they are talking about User permissions, they are included with the user object(attached XML).
They need to set flags:
server.FaxServer.RequireUserDocumentCounts = true;
server.FaxServer.RequireUserGroupIds = true;
if they want the user’s group info included in the user record.
Prabhakaran R
OpenText0 -
Please contact support team. They will be able to guide you.
Prabhakaran R
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